A Dissertation on Reading the Classics and forming a Just Style [Including the Chapters: “The Opinion that Homer wrote loosly [sic] and without any premeditated Scheme, considered and refuted” and “The late Duke of Devonshire’s Character as a Scholar”]. Written in the Year 1709 and addressed to the Right Honourable John Lord Roos, the present Marquis of Granby by Henry Felton, D.D. Rector of Whitwell in Derbyshire.
The Third Edition, corrected. London, Printed for Jonah Bowyer at the Rose in Ludgate-street, 1718. Small-Octavo. XX, [6], 230 pages. Hardcover / Original, 18th century full leather with a new spine in the style of the period. Original spine-label preserved. Excellent restoration by a master-bookbindery. Very good condition with some signs of external wear.
Includes chapters like:
- The Necessity of Education
- The Way to Knowledge
- The Greeks excell in Tragedy
- Of Comedy (Menander and Terence, Plautus and Aristophanes)
- Homer and Virgil
- The Opinion that Homer wrote loosly [sic] and without any premeditated Scheme, considered and refuted
- Virgil preferred to Hesiod
- A complaint against Schools considered
- Schools vindicated
- Complaint against commentators
- Dr.Busby’s Opinion of the meaner sort
- The finest Wits should comment on the finest Authors
- The Art of Teaching
- The true way of remembring and imitating the Ancients
- The Art of Writing well
- Learning dressed to Disadvantage by Critics and Grammarians
- The Mischief of Pedantry
- Persons of Quality excell in Style from the Advantages of their Education
- Caesar and Ovid
- Sir William Temple produced in Prose
- The Danger of lively Wits
- The Connexion [sic] between the Thoughts and Words
- The Design of Expression
- Of the Purity and Idioms of Language
etc. etc.
EUR 780,--
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