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Manuscript Letters/Autographs (93 items)

Adorno / Horkheimer / Haag - Wichtige Sammlung von bedeutenden Arbeitsexexemplaren / Widmungsexemplaren / Autorenexemplaren der Frankfurter Schule

1. [Adorno, Theodor W. / Horkheimer, Max / Benjamin, Walter] Haag, Karl-Heinz / Schweppenhäuser, Prof. Dr. Hermann.

Wichtige Frankfurter Schule-Sammlung von sehr bedeutenden Arbeitsexemplaren / Widmungsexemplaren / Autorenexemplaren, Autographen und Manuskript-Notiz-Zetteln des deutschen Philosophen Karl-Heinz Haag. Die Arbeitsexemplare (Sieben Buchtitel in neun (9) Bänden) und handschriftlichen Notizen und Autographen (Postkarten), stammen aus der privaten Bibliothek des Adorno und Horkheimer- Schülers, Karl-Heinz Haag. Die in der Sammlung enthaltenen Manuskript-Notizen und Autographen (Postkarten von Horkheimer) sind inhaltsreich und teilweise auch deshalb sehr bedeutend, weil es unter Insidern bekannt ist, dass Haag auch während seiner aktiven Zeit innerhalb der Frankfurter Schule notorisch wenig veröffentlicht und schriftlich kommentiert hat. Beiliegt ausserdem ein Zeitungsausschnitt zur Adorno-Lehrstuhl-Nachfolge. / Important, stunning collection of seven, signed or/and annotated association-copies (working-copies) from the private library of german philosopher Karl-Heinz Haag. Haag was pupil, friend and colleague of Adorno and Horkheimer and was one of the members of the Frankfurt School of Social Theory and Social Research. The collection of annotated books (Seven Booktitles in nine (9) volumes) also includes ephemera (Autograph postcards, newspaper-clipping, as well as several manuscript – pages of significant notes and thoughts by Karl-Heinz Haag regarding topics discussed in some of these publications). The collection is especially important because Haag published and commented notoriously little during and after his tenure in Frankfurt. [See complete set of photographs of this collection on our website].

Frankfurt u.a., Suhrkamp / Institute of Social Research / Kohlhammer etc., 1955 – 1972. Octavo. Paginierung / Collation: 1. Adorno – Aspekte der Hegelschen Philosophie (Inscribed, signed): 59 Seiten mit zahlreichen Annotationen /59 pages, heavily annotated / 2. Haag – Kritik der neueren Ontologie (Author’s copy): 59 Seiten / 59 pages / 3. Adorno – Drei Studien zu Hegel (Inscribed, signed): 172 Seiten mit zahlreichen Annotationen / 172 pages with annotations / 4. Horkheimer – Zur Kritik der instrumentellen Vernunft (Inscribed, signed): 353 Seiten mit vielen Anmerkungen und Anstreichungen / 353 pages, heavily annotated / 5. Horkheimer – Kritische Theorie (Inscribed, signed): XIV, 376, XI, 358 Seiten mit zahlreichen Anmerkungen und Anstreichungen / XIV, 376, XI, 358 pages, heavily annotated / 6. Schweppenhäuser – Tractanda (Inscribed, signed): 141 Seiten / 141 pages. Original Softcover and Hardcover – Volumes. Sehr guter Erhaltungszustand aller Publikationen mit teilweise eingelegten, handschriftlichen Notizen sowie ein alter Zeitungsartikel in dem der Zersetzungsprozess der Frankfurter Schule kommentiert wird. / All publications in very good condition with minor signs of wear. Amazing provenance and possibly one of the last important collections surfacing from the library of a member of the Frankfurt School. The inter-connection between Adorno – Haag – Horkheimer, reflected in Haag’s annotations, lends itself for study and new publications of criticism.

EUR 10.400,-- 

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Collection of Five (5) Manuscript Letters from Greek-American Philosopher, Raphael Demos

2. [Aiken, Henry David] Demos, Raphael.

Collection of Five (5) Manuscript Letters from Greek-American Philosopher, Raphael Demos to Philosopher Henry David Aiken. Besides very few personal matters (Aiken rented a Lice-infested house from Demos), the letters are lengthy and full of content regarding philosophical questions. Demos thanks Aiken for his “thoughtful comments about my article on ‘Society and the Individual’ and Demos reflects on Aiken: “Now as to your point that goodwill is addressed to me which is capable of joys and sorrows and not just an angel – I will distinguish between respect and goodwill. Angels, because rational, have intrinsic worth, and so claim respect certainly. Value and respectability don’t imply capacity for feeling. But goodwill does imply that the recipient is a striving, failing, succeeding, up-ended individual, who has sorrows & grip – not just an angelic being. While the Greek identify man with his rationality, it is noticeable that common sense proceeds otherwise; when the Radcliffe girls say their Professor is so human, they don’t mean he is intellectual, they mean the opposite – that he has non-rational impulses and feelings…..” / The collection of letters originates from the personal collection of Henry Aiken and also comes with a scathing letter from American Philosopher Arthur Edward Murphy in which Murphy writes to Aiken about Raphael Demos and does not hold back in his evaluation of Demos and his Philosophy: “I just saw your remarks re Demos in the Journal. Very well done ! I think Demos is not very bright, however, and it is perhaps better not to give him too much publicity. I don’t think he will convert any one except for those already suffering from dithers & blithers. And it is a waste to refute him. Intelligent people don’t have to be convinced. And bigots like R.D. can’t be convinced. Strictly speaking, before Demos creates an obligation in others… he ought to say in plain unemotional prose what he means by such concepts as ‘God’ & ‘evidence’. It is perfectly possible that if we knew how he uses these terms, we would agree that what he says is trivially true. This discussion is presumably in the domain of logic. But discussion on that domain when one of the parties refuses to make explicit the rules of his game can never terminate in illumination. Nevertheless, I think you handled him neatly & have done yourself no harm as general opinion is concerned. He is a perfect horrible example of retrogression. Ugh ! A perfectly low grade person morally & intellectually nonregarding as a seer & defender of orthodoxy…… Have you seen Lazerowitz’s [Morris Lazerowitz] paper in Mind on Universals. It is highly provocative. I would like to discuss it with you….”.

Westport Point (Massachusetts), c.1944 – 1967. Octavo. 13 pages of letters by Raphael Demos to Aiken / [Plus:] 1 page of a manuscript letter by Arthur Edward Murphy to Aiken about Demos. Very good condition with only minor signs of wear. Original Letters or anything published by Raphael Demos or Arthur Edward Murphy, are very rare !

EUR 7.800,-- 

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Barry, Wonderful collection of original, signed manuscript Letters by Tom Barry

6. Barry, Tom / Hayes Katty / Leslie Mary de Barra (née Price) / [Cumann na mBan]/ West Cork Flying Column / [Kilmichael Ambush] / Pope John Paul II.

Wonderful collection of original, signed manuscript Letters by Tom Barry and his wife Leslie de Barra, addressed to Rosscarbery Woman Katty Hayes, a fellow member Cumann na mBan [The Irishwomen’s Council], together with a rare and important local History – Pamphlet on Rosscarbery by Katty Hayes, titled: “Ross of the Pilgrims” (signed and inscribed by Katty Hayes in 1977 the pamphlet includes wonderful oral history accounts put in writing by Ms.Hayes; about Coppinger’s Court, Lord Carbery in Castlefreke, Cregane House, History of the Convent of Mercy in Rosscarbery, Father John Power, Names of local landlords in the area etc.). The collection also comes with a rare vintage photograph of Katty Hayes, surrounded by some unidentified fellow members of The Irish Women’s Council [Cumann na mBan] and other Irish Republican Organizations (all wearing their medals). The collection also includes three Appreciation-Letters which Miss Hayes received back from the Vatican in the years 1969, 1977 and 1988. Miss Hayes had written to the Pontifex Paul VI as well as to Pope John Paul II and received Blessings and thanks for her Christmas – wishes to the Holy Father.

Rosscarbery (West Cork), 1969 – 1980. Octavo. Two Manuscript Letters (One signed by Tom Barry and one signed by Leslie Price) / Three Letters from Assessors of the Pope / One vintage Black and white photograph / One pamphlet called “Ross of the Pilgrims” with 51 pages of local History, forgotten Poems and songs and stories by Katty Hayes about Tom Barry and his family – relations in Rosscarbery, his friendship to Michael Collins and the local Rosscarbery community etc. etc. Original Softcover / Stapled. Very good condition with only minor signs of wear. Extremely rare little archive with Blessings from two Popes; bought from the family Archive of Katty Hayes.

EUR 2.500,-- 

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Beston, Full Speed Ahead. Tales from the Log of  a Correspondent with Our Navy.

7. Beston, Henry B. / [Sims, Admiral William Sowden].

Full Speed Ahead. Tales from the Log of a Correspondent with Our Navy. [Inscribed Association copy from Henry B. Beston to Admiral William Sowden Sims – with original typescript in an envelope that is tipped into the pastedown / It is a typescript of a letter that was written during Beston’s time as editor at the magazine “The Living Age” (an offshoot of ‘Atlantic Monthly’) and stunningly also reflects on Beston’s classmate, Theodore Roosevelt, whom he obviously gave a copy of this book and according to Beston’s letter to Sims, Theodore Roosevelt and his children confirming that they enjoyed it. The letter reveals that Beston sends this book as a “thank you” to Admiral Sims for his time as war correspondent under Sims’ command during World War I. The typescript of the letter must be seen as an extension to Beston’s Preface in the book in which he writes: “And no acknowledgment, no matter how studied or courtly, its phrasing, can express what I owe to Admiral Sims for the friendliness of my reception, for his care that i be shown all the Navy’s activities, and for his constant and kindly effort to advance my work in every possible way”].

First Edition. New York, Doubleday, 1919. Octavo. XIII, 254 pages. Original Hardcover in protective Mylar. Very Scarce [OCLC locates only 1 copy]. Very good + condition with only minor signs of external wear. The definitive, signed and inscribed association copy by Henry B. Beston to Admiral William Sowden Sims and also with a letter typescript to Admiral William Sowden Sims. The inscription reads: “To Admiral Sims with every grateful good wish of the author – Henry Beston Sheahan – 1919”.

EUR 1.400,-- 

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