West Cork Rare BookfairINANNA MODERNWest Cork Reading Holidays
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Attali, Les trois mondes: pour une théorie de l'après-crise.

Attali, Jacques.

Les trois mondes: pour une théorie de l’après-crise.

Paris, Fayard, 1981. Octavo. 335 pages. Broche / Softcover. A theory of post-crisis economics by the bold and dashing thinker and statesman, one of the somehow representative presences on the French intellectual scene during the post-structuralist period. Very good in publisher’s printed wraps, rear and front covers bumped at top with resulting crease to covers and pages. Inscribed by the author to Stephen Graubard.

EUR 95,-- 

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We ship per DHL Express

Attali, Les trois mondes:  pour une théorie de l’après-crise.