The Court of Justice of the European Community.
Fourth edition. Luxembourg, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1986. 16 cm x 23 cm. 91 pages. Original softcover. Very good condition with minor signs of external wear.
Includes for example the following essays: The Court in the Community institutional system / Thirteen judges and six advocates-general / The Registry and administration / The Court ensures the observance of Community law / The supreme judicial authority / Requests for the Court’s opinion / Arbitration / Direct actions / Requests for preliminary rulings / Interim measures and procedural disputes / Direct effect of Community Law / Freedom of Trade / The Commission’s powers of investigation / Agreements and concerted practices / Franchising agreements / The meaning of ‘worker’ / National treatment for migrant workers / Equal pay for men and women / Freedom to provide services etc.
″The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) interprets EU law to make sure it is applied in the same way in all EU countries, and settles legal disputes between national governments and EU institutions.
It can also, in certain circumstances, be used by individuals, companies or organisations to take action against an EU institution, if they feel it has somehow infringed their rights.” (EU)
EUR 78,--
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