Jeffersonian America – Notes on the United States of America Collected in the Years 1805-6-7 and 11-12 By Sir Augustus John Foster, Bart.
San MArino / California, The Huntingdon Library, 1954. Octavo. Frontispiece – Portrait of Sir Augustus Foster, XX, 356 pages. Original Hardcover with original dustjacket. The dustjacket frayed and torn but most of it present (see images). The Volume itself in excellent, very clean condition.
Includes: Washington: The “Wild Natives” from the West / Diplomats and Democrats / Travelers and Adventurers / Social Diversions / Coming of the War of 1812 / Backwoods Metropolis and Prejudiced Europeans / Excursions: Mout Vernon and Dumfries / Virginia / North Carolina / South Carolina / Georgia / East Florida / Mississippi / Louisiana / Tennessee / Kentucky / Ohio / The West / District of Columbia / Maryland / Delaware / Pennsylvania: The Lancaster Country – The Yellow Fever – Philadelphia / New Jersey / Connecticut / Rhode Island / Massachusetts / Vermont and New Hampshire / Maine / Return to England / Including a thorough Index //
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