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WCBF Highlight (37 items)

Forster, The Arabian Nights, in Five Volumes.

2. [Arabian Nights] Forster, Edward / [Provenance: Daniel Callaghan of Lotabeg].

The Arabian Nights, in Five Volumes. [Including “The History of Aladdin, or the Wonderful Lamp” / The History of Ali Baba and of the Forty Robbers, killed by one Slave” / etc.] Translated by The Reverend Edward Forster [based on the French version of Antoine Galland]. With [24] Engravings, from Pictures by Robert Smirke.

First Edition [Large Paper Quarto Edition]. Five Volumes (complete set with all engravings). London, Printed for William Miller, 1802. Quarto (21.5 cm x 27.5 cm). Volume I: LXI, (7), 385 pages with 5 copper-engravings including Errata-Leaf and “Directions for placing the Plates” for all four volumes / Volume: 432 pages with 5 copper-engravings / 405 pages with 5 copper-engravings / 461 pages with 5 copper-engravings / 474 pages with 5 copper-engravings. Hardcover / Original, early 19th century full leather with gilt lettering and date on lower spine [″London, 1802”]. Beautiful, richly ornamented master-bindings. All Volumes in strong, protective collector’s Mylar, which invites the reader/collector to use the work without fear of handling. Armorial Bookplates / ExLibris of Daniel Callaghan, Esquire of Lotabeg (MP for Cork City 1830-1849) to all five pastedowns (Motto: “Fidus et Audax”). Marbled endpapers a little dusty but beautiful. Volume 1, 2 and 5 with some weakening to the spine (slightly cracked), but holding and still firm overall. All plates present. As known and always found with this scarce edition, the original, titled tissue-guards all in place, have created stronger signs of foxing to the plates but in sharp contrast the text in all the five Volumes in bright and clean condition with only occasional faint staining. Endpapers with some minor browning. Very good+ condition overall with some rubbing and minor bumping to the Volumes but really only minor signs of external wear. Extremely sought after publication, not to be confused with the later, much more common Octavo Editions !

EUR 2.800,-- 

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Barrow, Voyage dans la partie meridionale de l'Afrique

3. Barrow, John.

Voyage dans la partie meridionale de l’Afrique; fait dans les années 1797 et 1798; par John Barrow, Ex-Secretaire de Lord Macartney…Contenant des observations sur la géologie, la géographie, l’histoire naturelle de ce continent, et une esquisse du caractère physique et moral des diverses races d’habitans qui environnent l’Etablissement du Cap de Bonne-Espérance. / Accompagné: Nouveau Voyage dans la partie méridionale de l’Afrique; Où l’on examine quelle est l’importance du Cap de Bonne-Espérance pour les différentes puissances de l’Europe, considéré comme station militaire et navale; comme boulevart du commerce et de la domination des Anglais dans l’Inde; comme centre des établissemens pour la pêche de la baleine dans les mers Australes; comme acquisition territoriale, et comme entrepôt commercial en tems de paix. Accompagné d’une description statistique de la colonie rédigée sur les documens les plus hautentiques, enrichi de huit belles cartes, contenat celle de la Côte d’Afrique depuis la baie de la Table jusqu’a la baie de Saldanha, des cartes de la baie de Pletenberg, d’Algola, de Mossel et de False bay; du plan militaire de la péninsule du Cap, et de ceux de la baie de la Table et du Knisna. (2 Volumes).

First French Edition. 4 Volumes [complete set of two works with 2 Volumes each]. Paris, Dentu, 1801-1806. 35.5 cm x 55.8 cm. Collation: complete. Pagination: Volume I: XVI, 403, (1) pages / Volume II: 326, (2) pages including Errata-leaf / Volume III: X, 310 pages / Volume IV: 312 pages. Original contemporary red calf with gilt lettering and ornament to lacquer-polished-spine. The Volumes are numbered consecutively, even though these are two separate works. Excellent condition of the binding and interior of this important publication with very minor signs of foxing only ! All the maps in wonderful condition ! First french edition of “Travels into the Interior of Southern Africa” (Barrow’s journey with Lord Macartney in 1797 to the Cape of Good Hope) plus two further Volumes which describe the second journey in 1801 / 1802 to Saldanha Bay [Saldanhabaai] with an early image of Robben Island. The survey of the Dutch colonies was not only a seminal work on South Africa but the beautifully engraved, large folding map of South Africa was a turning point of african cartography and geographical illustration.

EUR 1.800,-- 

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Beston, Full Speed Ahead. Tales from the Log of  a Correspondent with Our Navy.

4. Beston, Henry B. / [Sims, Admiral William Sowden].

Full Speed Ahead. Tales from the Log of a Correspondent with Our Navy. [Inscribed Association copy from Henry B. Beston to Admiral William Sowden Sims – with original typescript in an envelope that is tipped into the pastedown / It is a typescript of a letter that was written during Beston’s time as editor at the magazine “The Living Age” (an offshoot of ‘Atlantic Monthly’) and stunningly also reflects on Beston’s classmate, Theodore Roosevelt, whom he obviously gave a copy of this book and according to Beston’s letter to Sims, Theodore Roosevelt and his children confirming that they enjoyed it. The letter reveals that Beston sends this book as a “thank you” to Admiral Sims for his time as war correspondent under Sims’ command during World War I. The typescript of the letter must be seen as an extension to Beston’s Preface in the book in which he writes: “And no acknowledgment, no matter how studied or courtly, its phrasing, can express what I owe to Admiral Sims for the friendliness of my reception, for his care that i be shown all the Navy’s activities, and for his constant and kindly effort to advance my work in every possible way”].

First Edition. New York, Doubleday, 1919. Octavo. XIII, 254 pages. Original Hardcover in protective Mylar. Very Scarce [OCLC locates only 1 copy]. Very good + condition with only minor signs of external wear. The definitive, signed and inscribed association copy by Henry B. Beston to Admiral William Sowden Sims and also with a letter typescript to Admiral William Sowden Sims. The inscription reads: “To Admiral Sims with every grateful good wish of the author – Henry Beston Sheahan – 1919”.

EUR 1.400,-- 

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Cervantes - The Life and Exploits of the Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote de la Mancha

7. Cervantes De Saavedra, Miguel [Jarvis Edition with an excellent provenance, being from the library of John Fane, (Lord Burgersh) the Earl of Westmoreland].

The Life and Exploits of the Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote de la Mancha. Translated from the Original Spanish by Charles Jarvis, Esq. [Bound with: “The Life of Michael de Cervantes Saavedra” and an “Advertisement concerning the Plates”].

Second issue of the First Jarvis Edition. Two Volumes (complete set). London, J. & R. Tonson and R. Dodsley, 1738-1742. Quarto. Pagination: Volume I: Frontispiece, XXIV, (8), I – [XXIV], (interrupted with 8 unnumbered pages: “Supplement to the Translator’s Preface,” on the origin of books of chivalry, [by Wiliam Warburton]), continued pagination [XXV-XXXII], Second Frontispiece (Portrait of Cervantes by George Vertue after G. Kent), V, (2), 355 pages with 28 copperplates (including the two frontispieces). Volume II: XII, 388 pages with 41 copperplate illustrations. In total 69 copperplate engravings, all drawn by John Vanderbank and engraved by Gerard van der Gucht / Vandergucht. Modern Hardcover bindings by an english masterbinder, styled to the 18th century period and with new endpapers that carry the original bookplates / Exlibris of John Fane, (Lord Burgersh) the Earl of Westmoreland. Excellent condition with only minor signs of foxing to the outer margins of the pages. All illustrations in strong and fresh imprint. An excellent set from a famous library.

EUR 4.800,-- 

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[Chiari, Giovanni] Vascellini, Gaetano - Statute di Firenze [Richard Meade - Ballymartle]

8. [Chiari, Giovanni] Vascellini, Gaetano.

Statue di Firenze [incluso: “Catalogo delle Statue del R. Giardino di Boboli colla Notizia dei Loro Autori”, “Catalogo delle Statue nel R. Palazzo de Pitti”, Catalogo delle Statue colla Notizia dei Loro Autori ec.” ec.]

Tres Parti (complete) [Tutto dichiarato come prima parte]. Firenze, Presso Giuseppe Volpini Cartolaro, no year [c. 1765]. Octavo. Collation complete. Pagination: Part I (Primo): Frontispiece copper-engraving with Florence in the background, 8 pages of text with introduction by Giovanni Chiari and the catalogue of statues in Boboli Garden, 25 plates each with 4 copper-engravings of Statues in Boboli Garden. Part II (Seconda): Frontispiece copper-engraving with Florence in the background, 8 pages of text with catalogue of Statues in Palazzo Pitti, 41 plates each with 4 copper-engravings of Statues in Pitti Palace. Part III (Terza): Frontispiece copper-engraving with Florence in the background, 8 pages of text with catalogue of Statues [″Catalogo delle Statue colla Notizia del Loro Autori ec. (incl. Michelangelo Buonarotti, Donatello etc.). Hardcover / Original bookblock rebound by Bayntun in Bath in a subtle and charming modern cloth with gilt lettering on new spine-label. Original endpapers preserved. Exceptional condition of this rare 18th century publication with only very faint signs of foxing. Provenance: Richard Meade, Ballymartle (with the Meade Family – crest as library stamp).

EUR 880,-- 

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Collection of eight publications by and about Agnes Mary Clerke plus one autographed / signed manuscript - letter by Agnes Clerke.

9. [Clerke, Agnes Mary].

Collection of eight publications by and about Agnes Mary Clerke plus one autographed / signed manuscript-letter by Agnes Clerke [The letter answers the request of a fellow german Astronomer who complimented her on her History of Astronomy and asked for her permission to translate her latest work). The recipient is possibly german astronomer R.Engelmann who wrote about Nebula. The letter dates from 1891 and is written in perfect german (Agnes Clerke was known to have written reviews and letters in French, German, Greek and Italian). This rare collection includes the following books: 1. A.M.Clerke – Geschichte der Astronomie während des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts. Gemeinfasslich dargestellt. (Autorisierte deutsche Ausgabe von H.Maser) – First german edition of “A popular History of Astronomy during the 19th century” from 1889 – with a signed, contemporary manuscript letter by Agnes Clerke in german (!) regarding this publication / 2. Agnes Clerke – Familiar Studies in Homer (London, 1892) / 3. Agnes Clerke – “The Herschels and Modern Astronomy” (with a loosely inserted portrait of Sir William Herschel) (London, 1895) / 4. Agnes Clerke – “A popular History of Astronomy during the 19th century” (The important Fourth Edition, revised and corrected by the author) (London, Adam and Charles Black, 1902) – Famously: With the vintage photographs pasted to frontispiece and titlepage / 5. Agnes Clerke – “The System of the Stars” – Second Edition (London, 1905) / 6. Agnes Clerke – Modern Cosmogonies (London, 1905) / 7. Agnes Clerke – “A popular History of Astronomy during the 19th century” 1908-Reprint of the important Fourth Edition, revised and corrected by the author) (London, Adam and Charles Black, 1908) / 8. Mary Brueck / Mary Brück – Agnes Mary Clerke & The Rise of Astrophysics (Cambridge University Press, 2002).

A mixture of first and later editions. Berlin / London, Springer / Cassell / Longmans & Green and others, 1889 – 1908. Octavo. More than 2500 pages with many illustrations and diagrams etc. / The vintage letter has two pages filled and signed by Clerke in ink / The only modern publication within the collection is a very important monograph on Clerke by scientist Mary Brueck / Mary Brück, published by Cambridge University Press (275 pages). Original Hardcovers in bespoke protective collector’s Mylar. Very good condition with only minor signs of external wear. A stunning collection of all the major publications by this important woman astronomer. Agnes Clerke paved the way for women in science and must be seen as the pioneer female astronomer. The price includes worldwide free shipping of the collection per UPS Express Courier.

EUR 2.800,-- 

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