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Association Copies (66 items)

[Behring, Collection of nine important Emil von Behring - offprints from the Exile-library of Prof. Dr. Hans Sachs

5. [Behring, Emil von / Sachs, Hans].

Collection of nine important Emil von Behring – offprints from the Exile-library of Prof. Dr. Hans Sachs, german serologist who had to flee Nazi-germany and died in his Dublin exile in 1945. The collection also includes the original offprint of an obituary for Emil von Behring, published by Hans Sachs in the “Frankfurter Zeitung” in 1917. The rare Offprint by Paul H. Römer (with epilogue by Emil von Behring), is inscribed to Dr.Hans Sachs. The offprints included in this collection are (in order of their publication): 1. Emil von Behring und F(ranz) Nissen – Ueber bacterienfeindliche Eigenschaften verschiedener Blutserumarten – Ein Beitrag zur Immunitätsfrage (1890) / 2. Emil von Behring und (Erich) Wernicke – Ueber Immunisierung und Heilung von Versuchsthieren bei der Diphterie (1892) / 3. Emil von Behring – Über Heilprinzipien, insbesondere über das ätiologische und das isopathische Heilprinzip (1898) / 4. Emil von Behring – Tuberkulosebekämpfung – Vortrag gehalten auf der Versammlung von Naturforschern und Ärzten am 25. September 1903 in Kassel – [Mit Besitzer-Stempel von Dr.Hans Sachs auf Titelbroschur und Titelblatt / With ownership-stamp of Dr. Hans Sachs on cover and titlepage] / 5. Paul H. Römer (Nebst einem Nachwort von Emil von Behring) – Ueber die Einwirkung des galvanischen Stroms auf Tetanus-Gift, Tetanus-Antitoxin und Toxin-Antitoxin-Gemische – [Mit handschriftlicher Widmung von Paul Römer “Herrn Dr.Sachs sehr ergebenst – v. V.” [vom Verfasser] / Inscribed by Paul Römer to Dr.Hans Sachs] – [Paul Heinrich Römer, from Kirchhain (near Marburg, Germany), was an important colleague of Behring and Sachs. Subsequently, Römer’s experimental studies on Polio led to Jonas Edward Salk’s and Albert Bruce Sabin’s development of a Polio-vaccine. According to Rudolf Siegert [specialist for the History of the ‘Marburg-Virus’], Paul Heinrich Römer, who died at the early age of 40 in World War One, should have been credited with discovery of the Polio remedy / 6. Emil von Behring – Indikationen für die serumtherapeutische Tetanusbekämpfung (1914) / 7. Emil von Behring und Richard Hagemann – Ueber das Diphterieschutzmittel “TA” (Mit 1 Tafel) und Emil von Behring – Aufgaben und Leistungen meines neuen Diphterieschutzmittels und Richard Hagemann – Ueber von Behring’s neues Diphterieschutzmittel (1914) / 8. Emil von Behring – Experimentelle Analyse und Theorie der anaphylaktischen und apotoxischen Vergiftung (1914) / 9. Emil von Behring (Marburg) – Indikationen und Kontra-Indikationen fuer das neue Diphterieschutzmittel “TA” (1914) / 10. Hans Sachs (Frankfurt) – Nachruf / Obituary – Emil von Behring (Sonderabdruck aus der Frankfurter Zeitung – Erstes Morgenblatt vom 4.April 1917)//

Wiesbaden / Leipzig / Berlin / Marburg , Thieme / Elwert / u.a., 1890 – 1914. Octavo. Original Softcover. Very good condition with only minor signs of external wear / The earliest offprint by Behring and Nissen, with a faded dampstain to lower margins / Otherwise with some minor fraying to some of the offprints only. Rare, important collection and very interesting association between Emil von Behring, the first Nobel Laureate of Medicine and Dr.Hans Sachs, jewish serologist and pioneer in efficient diagnosis of syphilis and one of the sad examples of the purge of scientists by Hitler’s regime in 1930s germany. / The collection also comes with several important works of Reference including: 1. A copy of Derek S. Linton’s stunning work: “Emil von Behring – Infectious Disease, Immunology, Serum Therapy” – [Philadelphia, 2005] / 2. also part of the collection is Arthur M. Silverstein’s work on “A History of Immunology” – [San Diego, 1992] see images of this collection !

EUR 3.800,-- 

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Beston, Full Speed Ahead. Tales from the Log of  a Correspondent with Our Navy.

7. Beston, Henry B. / [Sims, Admiral William Sowden].

Full Speed Ahead. Tales from the Log of a Correspondent with Our Navy. [Inscribed Association copy from Henry B. Beston to Admiral William Sowden Sims – with original typescript in an envelope that is tipped into the pastedown / It is a typescript of a letter that was written during Beston’s time as editor at the magazine “The Living Age” (an offshoot of ‘Atlantic Monthly’) and stunningly also reflects on Beston’s classmate, Theodore Roosevelt, whom he obviously gave a copy of this book and according to Beston’s letter to Sims, Theodore Roosevelt and his children confirming that they enjoyed it. The letter reveals that Beston sends this book as a “thank you” to Admiral Sims for his time as war correspondent under Sims’ command during World War I. The typescript of the letter must be seen as an extension to Beston’s Preface in the book in which he writes: “And no acknowledgment, no matter how studied or courtly, its phrasing, can express what I owe to Admiral Sims for the friendliness of my reception, for his care that i be shown all the Navy’s activities, and for his constant and kindly effort to advance my work in every possible way”].

First Edition. New York, Doubleday, 1919. Octavo. XIII, 254 pages. Original Hardcover in protective Mylar. Very Scarce [OCLC locates only 1 copy]. Very good + condition with only minor signs of external wear. The definitive, signed and inscribed association copy by Henry B. Beston to Admiral William Sowden Sims and also with a letter typescript to Admiral William Sowden Sims. The inscription reads: “To Admiral Sims with every grateful good wish of the author – Henry Beston Sheahan – 1919”.

EUR 1.400,-- 

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Collection of important [signed and inscribed] offprints and publications by Nobel Laureate Werner Forssmann

9. [Cardiac catheterization / Nobel Price Lecture] – Forssmann, Dr. Werner.

Collection of important offprints, publications and correspondence (signed letters etc.) by Nobel Laureate Werner Forssmann, many of which are inscribed and signed by Forssmann to his colleague, irish cardiologist and clinical scientist, Eoin O’Brien. The collection includes: 1. A signed / inscribed version of Forssmann’s first offprint-edition of his Nobel-Lecture: “Die Rolle der Herzkatheterung und Angiocardiographie in der Entwicklung der Modernen Medizin” (pages 177 – 181, Stockholm, 1957, SIGNED and beautifully inscribed to O’Brien in July 1976) / 2. A signed, original Offprint: “The Evolution of Modern Cardiology” (11 pages, SIGNED Offprint from “Perspectives in Biology and Medicine – Vol.12, No.1, Autumn 1968) / 3. A Signed / Inscribed Offprint: “Die Sondierung des Rechten Herzens”, 1957-Reprint of the original 1929 – publication, (4 pages with portrait of Forssmann, published in “Therapeutische Berichte”, 29, 5, 1957) / 4. A Signed, original Offprint: “Euthanasie” (with minor tear), (7 pages, SIGNED, Offprint from Deutsche Apotheker-Zeitung Heft 31, Seiten 1127-1133, 1975) / 5. Signed TLS (Typed Letter Signed by Forssmann to Eoin O’Brien, fellow cardiologist in Ireland). / 5. First english edition of Werner Forssmann – “Experiments on Myself – Memoirs of a Surgeon in Germany”, together with two TLS (Typed Letters Signed) by Translator Hilary Davies to Eoin O’Brien, who Peer-reviewed the book. Hilary Davies also included a press-release for the book and gave Eoin O’Brien access to Forssmann by alerting him to Forssmann’s address in Germany. Included are Eoin O’Brien’s typescripts of his correspondence with Forssmann.

Germany, 1956 – 1976. Octavo. Very good condition with only minor signs of wear. Signed and inscribed items by Forssmann are of great rarity. The Nobel Lecture alone is very scarce and very rarely available signed.

EUR 14.800,-- 

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