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Chapel, Gun Collecting.

Chapel, Charles Edward.

Gun Collecting.

Eighth Impression. New York, Coward – McCann, Inc., 1939. 14 cm x 19 cm. X, 232 pages. Original Hardcover with illustrated dustjacket in protective Mylar. Very Good condition with some external signs of wear. The jacket with several tears and fraying.

[Ray Riling Bibliography “Guns and Shooting” – No.2273: “A conversational beginning to the art of gun collecting, recommended for every beginner in the field”].

Includes for example the following chapters: Starting a Gun Collection / AncientGuns / Hand Cannon, Match-Lock and Arquebus / Wheel Lock, Pyrites Lock, Snaphance and Miquelet / Flintlocks / The Kentucky Rifle / Percussion Guns / Samuel Colt and his percussion revolvers / Cartridge Guns / Freaks and Oddities / Classification: How to collect with a purpose / Identification: How to recognize valuable Guns / How supply and demand affect Gun prices / Conditon – and how it affects values / Making a profit from Guns / The Care and Cleaning of Guns / Gun Photography / With an Appendix: Gun Exhibitions / Dealers in Firearms for Collectors / Clubs for the Gun Collector / Glossary / Bibliography / Index //


Chapel, Gun Collecting.
Chapel, Gun Collecting.
Chapel, Gun Collecting.
Chapel, Gun Collecting.