West Cork Rare BookfairINANNA MODERNWest Cork Reading Holidays
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Roebuck, Macartney of Lisanoure, 1737-1806 - Essays in biography.

Roebuck, Peter.

Macartney of Lisanoure, 1737-1806 – Essays in biography.

Belfast, Ulster Historical Foundation, 1983. 22 cm. xi, 376 pages. Original Hardcover. Endpaper and titlepage with some minor damage. Otherwise in excellent condition with only minor signs of external wear. [The U.H.F. Historical series ; 6].

Chronology of the Life of Lord Macartney / Russia 1764-1767 / Grenada 1775-1779 / Verona 1795-1796 / The Cape of Good Hope 1796-1798 / etc.,

EUR 78,-- 

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We ship per DHL Express

Roebuck, Macartney of Lisanoure, 1737-1806 – Essays in biography.