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18th / 19th Century Country House Library of Richard Meade – Ballymartle (34 items)

Bolton, A Justice of Peace for Ireland: Consisting of Two Books.

5. Bolton, Sir Richard / Travers, Michael [Richard Meade’s copy].

A Justice of Peace for Ireland: Consisting of Two Books. The First, declaring the Exercise of that Office by one or more Justices of Peace out of Sessions; The Second, setting forth the Form of Proceeding in Sessions and the Matter to be enquired of and handled therein. Composed by Sir Richard Bolton, Knt. – Chief Baron of His Majesty’s Court of Exchequer in Ireland. To which are now added, In an Alphabetical Order, All the Statutes now in Force in England and Ireland, (since Sir Richard Bolton published his said Treatise) which concern the Office of a Justice of Peace for Ireland, both in and out of Sessions. Here are likewise added, three Tables: The First shews the several Titles in Sir Richard Bolton’s Treatise to which additions have been made. The Second shews the several New Titles added; and the Third is designed for the more easy finding several Particular Matters contained under the General Titles. With a compleat Index to the whole. Also some Precedents of Committals, Convictions, Summonses and Warrants, are added, as a Help to Justices of the Peace in the Execution of their Office. With a Table of the Precedents. By Michael Travers, Esq.; Barrister at Law.

Two Volumes in one (complete). Dublin, Printed for J.Leathley and T.Moore in Dame-street and O.Nelson in Skinner-row, Booksellers, 1750. Quarto (23 cm x 27.5 cm). XIV, 586, XII, 292 pages. Hardcover / Original 18th-century full leather with gilt lettering on spine with replaced spine-label. Very good condition with only minor signs of external wear and a minor crack to upper spine. Faded dampstain. Interior and binding firm and overall in very good condition. Bookplate of Richard Meade of Ballymartle to pastedown. Richard Meade’s full name in ink to endpaper.

EUR 780,-- 

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[Chiari, Giovanni] Vascellini, Gaetano - Statute di Firenze [Richard Meade - Ballymartle]

7. [Chiari, Giovanni] Vascellini, Gaetano.

Statue di Firenze [incluso: “Catalogo delle Statue del R. Giardino di Boboli colla Notizia dei Loro Autori”, “Catalogo delle Statue nel R. Palazzo de Pitti”, Catalogo delle Statue colla Notizia dei Loro Autori ec.” ec.]

Tres Parti (complete) [Tutto dichiarato come prima parte]. Firenze, Presso Giuseppe Volpini Cartolaro, no year [c. 1765]. Octavo. Collation complete. Pagination: Part I (Primo): Frontispiece copper-engraving with Florence in the background, 8 pages of text with introduction by Giovanni Chiari and the catalogue of statues in Boboli Garden, 25 plates each with 4 copper-engravings of Statues in Boboli Garden. Part II (Seconda): Frontispiece copper-engraving with Florence in the background, 8 pages of text with catalogue of Statues in Palazzo Pitti, 41 plates each with 4 copper-engravings of Statues in Pitti Palace. Part III (Terza): Frontispiece copper-engraving with Florence in the background, 8 pages of text with catalogue of Statues [″Catalogo delle Statue colla Notizia del Loro Autori ec. (incl. Michelangelo Buonarotti, Donatello etc.). Hardcover / Original bookblock rebound by Bayntun in Bath in a subtle and charming modern cloth with gilt lettering on new spine-label. Original endpapers preserved. Exceptional condition of this rare 18th century publication with only very faint signs of foxing. Provenance: Richard Meade, Ballymartle (with the Meade Family – crest as library stamp).

EUR 880,-- 

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